Arboretum 92 Mollison Street, Malmsbury 3446 A historic and picturesque park featuring a diverse collection of mature trees, open grassy areas, and walking paths. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Bald Hill Reserve Mt St Marys Lane, Pipers Creek (off Pipers Creek Road), Pipers Creek 3444 Bald Hill Reserve is a unique conservation reserve just east of Kyneton. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Barkly Square Corner of Beauchamp and Wedge St, Kyneton 3444 Fully-fenced sports field and BMX track in Kyneton. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve, Sports Ground/Facility
Barringo Reserve 18 Shannons Road, New Gisborne 3437 Special conservation reserve just a short drive from the township of Gisborne. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Barrm Birrm Nature Reserve Gap Road, Riddells Creek 3431 An open forest on the side of the hill visible from, and overlooking, Riddells Creek. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Black Hill Reserve Ennis Road, Edgecombe 3444 260 acres of bush space popular for its local fauna and flora and excellent views. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Bluestone Rise Park Corner Quinn Crescent and Patterson Drive, Kyneton 3444 A large grassy area with a playground area. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Bolton Reserve 1 Bolton Reserve Lane, Kyneton 3444 A grassy open space/reserve with a play area. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Bowkett Close Reserve 11 Bowkett Close, Romsey 3434 A large open space area at the end of Bowkett Close with natural plantings, and is a designated dog off-leash area. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve
Browning Street Conservation Reserve Browning Street (between Bowen Street and Ladye Place), Woodend 3442 Browning Street is an unmade road reserve that extends between Bowen Street and Ladye Place, Woodend. Tagged as: , Park/Garden/Reserve