Power outages

Power outages can happen at any time but are more common during severe weather events.

Outages will affect how you live and work - remember, power outages can affect phones, internet connections, heating, cooling, lighting, radios and water pumps.

Who to contact?

Council does not look after electricity supply and power outage issues.

Your distributor depends on where you live.

There are two electricity distributors in the Macedon Ranges:

  • Powercor: distribution network covers most of the shire
  • Jemena: this distribution network covers some areas in the south of the shire.

The map below is provided as an example only. You can search online to find your energy distributor

Sign up to get SMS notifications about power outages and supplies:

Preparing for power outages

Preparation is the key.

The Victorian Government has guides on preparing for power outages and food safety during power outages.

It’s important that you:

  • Have a back-up plan ready if you rely on life support equipment or need electrical items to care for your family and pets.
  • Have plenty of drinking water available if your water supply relies on power.
  • Consider purchasing a power bank or battery pack that you can plug your phone in to charge. You can purchase them at most stores that sell electronic devices and accessories. Make sure you check that it is compatible with your phone, and always remember to keep it charged so it’s ready to use. 
  • If you are using a generator, ensure it is connected properly and use it safely
  • Don’t rely on power as part of any bushfire or storm preparedness plan.