C100 - Riddells Creek Structure Plan

The Riddells Creek Structure Plan was implemented via Planning Scheme Amendment C100 in June 2017.

The Structure Plan articulates the vision and strategic framework for accommodating growth of Riddells Creek through to 2036.

Amendment C100 translates the Structure Plan into planning controls and policies, which have been in effect since June 2017.

Key changes made by Amendment C100

  • Introduced the Riddells Creek Town Structure Plan and Riddells Creek Neighbourhood Character Precinct Profiles as reference documents.
  • Introduced Clause 21.13-5 to the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme to implement key directions from the Structure Plan, including specific objectives for residential precincts.
  • Rezoned an area north-east of the existing township to Urban Growth Zone to facilitate future growth of the town.
  • Rezoned all residential land within the township boundary from General Residential Zone to Neighbourhood Residential Zone. Mandatory minimum lot sizes are now specified for the Rural Bushland precincts where low levels of change are envisaged.
  • Introduced specific siting and design requirements to the Neighbourhood Residential Zones to protect neighbourhood character. These controls lift the current standard for all residential development to help ensure new houses integrate with their surrounds. The controls include a mandatory maximum height limit of 9 metres for all dwellings in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone.
  • Rezoned land between the Lions Club Reserve and Riddells Creek Recreation Reserve to Special Use Zone to facilitate a health, education and community precinct, and applied the Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) to the land.
  • Introduced a Design and Development Overlay for the Riddells Creek commercial centre to provide design guidance for new development, particularly to facilitate improved pedestrian movements and better integration between the different parts of the shopping precinct.
  • Introduced an Environmental Significance Overlay around the Riddells Creek Recycled Water Plant to protect the operations of the facility. 

All Planning Scheme Amendment C100 material including the approved documents and Panel Report can be accessed via the DTP website.

For more information, call our Strategic Planning team on (03) 5422 0333 or email strategicplanning@mrsc.vic.gov.au