Romsey Outline Development Plan

An outline development plan (ODP) (sometimes called a ‘structure plan’) is a town plan to guide growth and development. Substantial public consultation was undertaken in preparing the Romsey ODP.

The Romsey ODP and character study are part of Planning Scheme Amendments C66 and the related Romsey Development Contributions Plan is part of Planning Scheme Amendment C80. All three plans have been approved by the Minister for Planning and now form part of the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme.

Macedon Ranges Residential Land Demand and Supply Assessment

The Macedon Ranges Residential Land Demand and Supply Assessment(PDF, 7MB) was prepared by Urban Enterprise and Macedon Ranges Shire Council in January 2020.

This assessment looks at the adequacy of the existing residential land supply to meet future demand. The methodology is detailed in the report.

The assessment is an important piece of the puzzle and one of many assessments used to determine how much additional residential land the Romsey Structure Plan will plan for and deliver.