Kyneton South Framework Plan

The Kyneton Structure Plan identifies an investigation area south of the Campaspe River as an area for potential medium to long term future residential growth. The draft framework plan(PDF, 4MB) has been prepared to assist Council in assessing the medium to long term growth potential by providing an understanding of the land use, open space and environment, servicing, transport, employment, heritage, housing and education issues that need to be considered in any future development of the area.

Project status

The Kyneton South Framework Plan is currently on hold, pending further work to be undertaken as part of the Kyneton Movement Network Study, which includes consideration of the Framework Plan area.

When work on the project resumes, the Framework Plan will be reviewed and updated to account for any policy, demographic and other changes that have occurred in the intervening period. The most significant of these will be the introduction of the Macedon Ranges Statement of Planning Policy in 2019. The Statement is designed to ensure that protection of Macedon Ranges' unique environmental and landscape attributes is uppermost when assessing future growth and development in the Shire.

Find out more

If you have any questions, contact the Strategic Planning team on (03) 5422 0333 or email