Gisborne and New Gisborne

Development Plans

A development plan is a planning document that must be prepared for land covered by a Development Plan Overlay within a Planning Scheme. 

It sets out the vision and land use strategy for the development of a site, while responding to the attributes, character and context of the site and its rela­tionship with surrounding land and other proposed develop­ments. It provides detail on what is intended for the future including how that intended development will be implemented, and ensures that the proposed use, development and/or subdivision is viewed in a holistic manner.  

Bennett Road Development Plan

Development Plan DP/2019/1 - Bennett Road, Gisborne, Rural Living Area (DPO18)

A Development Plan (DP/2019/1) application was lodged with Macedon Ranges Shire for the Bennett Road, Gisborne Rural Living Area (land covered by Development Plan Overlay Schedule 18 (DPO18) on 13 August 2019.

The land covered by the DPO18 includes:

  • 88 Bennett Road (Lot 1, PS343448)
  • 128 Bennett Road (Lot 1, PS343449)
  • 168 Bennett Road (Lot 2, PS627007)
  • 15 McGregor Road (Lot 1, TP886104)
  • 94 McGregor Road (Lot 1, LP134525)
  • 134 McGregor Road (Lot 1, PS633404)

Council has worked with the applicant by providing feedback and referring the application to various servicing authorities. The development plan shows a total of 53 lots over the listed properties reflecting the requirements of the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme. It also seeks to include the Djirri Djirri Creek into a public reserve.

Council is seeking community feedback on the development plan prior to making a decision on the application. The documents below are being made available to allow community input. The documents must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 

Submitted Development Plan documents


Any person may make a submission to the Responsible Authority, Macedon Ranges Shire Council.

To make a submission to the Responsible Authority, it must:

  • Be in writing and include your name and mailing address (email address optional).

Additionally for objections include:

  • Reason/s for the objection.
  • State how you would be affected by the approval of the application.
  • Any suggestions on how to address concerns. 

Objections and submissions can be emailed to, posted to PO Box 151 Kyneton Vic 3444 or delivered in person to any Macedon Ranges Shire Council office.    

The responsible authority will not decide on the application before at least 14 days after the date the last notice is given. If you make a submission, the Responsible Authority will inform you of its decision.

A submission to an application for the approval of a development plan does not automatically give you appeal rights at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Further information can be provided by contacting VCAT or Council on (03) 5422 0333.

Privacy statement

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is committed to protecting your privacy. Please note that your personal information will be used solely by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to the applicant and their representatives, neighbouring property owners and/or occupiers and any other parties who may have an interest in the application. If you included any personal or identifying information about another person in your submission, please ensure you have informed that person you provided their information to Macedon Ranges Shire.

If you fail to provide this information the Macedon Ranges Shire Council will not be able to advise you of any consultation or decision making forums or the decision regarding this matter, but you may access this information by contacting the Council. The person(s) making a submission understands that the personal information provided is for the consideration by Council and the processing and assessment of an application for the approval of a Development Plan.  

McKim Road Development Plan

Two applications have been made to amend the development plan in the McKim Road area of Gisborne under Schedule 4 to Clause 43.03 – Development Plan Overlay (DPO4). 

Application to amend DPO4 Development Area 2 (McKim Road Area) - 8 and 10 McKim Road - DP/2013/6/A

The amendment makes changes to 8 and 10 McKim Road in Development Area 2 (McKim Road area) as shown on Map 1 in Schedule 4 to Clause 43.04.

The current Development Plan for Development Area 2 was endorsed by Council in November 2015.

The amendment seeks to consolidate drainage basins shared between Lot 8 and Lot 10 and permit the future use of these for a dwelling in the event of an alternative drainage scheme being implemented by the Responsible Authority.

The amendment also increases the number of lots on Lot 8 from 21 to 23 and makes changes to lot sizes for Lot 8 and Lot 10.

The following documents form the DPO amendment application: 

Public Notice

Public notice of the amendment to the development plan closed on Monday 25 October 2021. If you have made a submission, Council will inform you of its decision.

A submission to an application for the approval of a development plan does not automatically give you appeal rights at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Further information can be provided by Council or by contacting VCAT

Application to amend DPO4 Development Area 2 (McKim Road Area) - 11 McKim Road - DP/2013/6/B

The amendment makes changes to 11 in Development Area 2 (McKim Road area) as shown on Map 1 in Schedule 4 to Clause 43.04.

The current Development Plan for Development Area 2 was endorsed by Council in November 2015.

The amendment seeks to increase the number of lots on Lot 11 that front McKim Road from 4 to 6.

The following documents form the DPO amendment application:

Public Notice

Public notice of the amendment to the development plan closed on Monday 25 October 2021.

If you have made a submission, Council will inform you of its decision.

A submission to an application for the approval of a development plan does not automatically give you appeal rights at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Further information can be provided by Council or by contacting VCAT

Privacy statement

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is committed to protecting your privacy. Please note that your personal information will be used solely by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to the applicant and their representatives, neighbouring property owners and/or occupiers and any other parties who may have an interest in the application. If you included any personal or identifying information about another person in your submission, please ensure you have informed that person you provided their information to Macedon Ranges Shire.

If you fail to provide this information the Macedon Ranges Shire Council will not be able to advise you of any consultation or decision making forums or the decision regarding this matter, but you may access this information by contacting the Council. The person(s) making a submission understands that the personal information provided is for the consideration by Council and the processing and assessment of an application for the approval of a Development Plan.

If you have any questions in relation to the above matter please do not hesitate to contact Jack Wiltshire on (03) 5421 9690

89 Ross Watt Road Development Plan

Development Plan DP/2021/1 89 Ross Watt Road Gisborne

A Development Plan (DP/2021/1) application was lodged with Macedon Ranges Shire for 89 Ross Watt Road Gisborne on 19 November 2021.

The property is situated between the Rosslynne Reservoir and the Calder Freeway north east of Gisborne town centre.

The indicative Subdivision Layout Plan included in the application for the 85-hectare residential site proposes 700+ lots, a child care centre and neighbourhood shops.

Council’s strategic planning team will assess the Development Plan under the provisions of the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme, and seek further information from the applicant, if necessary.

Council is yet to fully consider or approve the Development Plan application.

Land use and zoning history

  • The 85-hectare site at 89 Ross Watt Road has been zoned for residential development for nearly 30 years. 
  • Former owners, the Barro Group previously proposed the site be developed for a basalt quarry and landfill in the 1980s. 
  • The proposal was not supported by the Shire of Gisborne, the community and government agencies at the time.
  • Part of the landholding was rezoned for residential purposes in 1993 through Amendment L21 to the Gisborne Planning Scheme and has remained undeveloped since then.
  • This land within Gisborne’s town boundary was always destined to be residential land under the Gisborne Outline Development Plan. Initially adopted by Council in 2006, the ODP was developed to ensure Gisborne’s future development is managed in an orderly, coordinated and sustainable way.
  • The site has a Development Plan Overlay applied that requires a development plan to be submitted and approved prior to any planning permits being approved and development occurring. 
  • This plan must consider the future community and physical infrastructure upgrades required and be developed in consultation with relevant authorities including the Regional Roads Victoria and servicing agencies.
  • Council’s intention is to work together with these agencies and the developers for the best outcome for the community. 

The developer’s consultants have advised that they have prepared Gisborne Area 1 Development Plan to meet requirements of the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 4 which reflects the Gisborne Outline Development Plan, 2009.

The site’s Development Plan Overlay Schedule 4(PDF, 350KB) provides local policy direction for planning controls and gives detailed guidance for this particular area. 

Public Notice

Notice to adjoining residents and landholders will be issued in 2022 to provide the opportunity for comment and submissions regarding the Development Plan application. 

Next steps

Council’s strategic planning team will assess and determine the Development Plan under the provisions of the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme.

Stay informed

You can register your details to receive regular email updates about the project. 

Contact Strategic Planning on (03) 5422 0333 or email


39 Willowbank Road Development Plan

VCAT Decision 

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) has approved a development plan for residential land at 39 Willowbank Road, Gisborne. 

Council refused the development plan at its Ordinary Council Meeting in June 2019, citing concerns with appropriateness of the lot sizes, the increase in traffic and impact on local roads, impact on local infrastructure and township character.

The decision followed negotiation between Council, VCAT and the developer during the hearing in late August 2019.    

VCAT made a number of decisions on the matter:

The final amended development plan includes:

  • a state primary school site, to be delivered during Stage 1
  • a reduction in the number of new lots – from 711 to 615 
  • an increase in the average lot size to approximately 680 square metres
  • all lots in the western part of the site to be over 500m2 with boundaries aligning to existing housing
  • road and footpath upgrades adjoining the site
  • larger lots along the interfaces of Brooking and Willowbank Roads, Calder Freeway and the internal connector road to reflect the semi-rural township character of Gisborne
  • new public open space adjoining the primary school
  • a network of open space/drainage reserves that will allow for walking and cycling through the site
  • earth mounding along the interface of the Calder Freeway to reflect the semi-rural township character of Gisborne.

The final endorsed Development Plan(PDF, 4MB) is now available. A copy of the Subdivision Layout Plan(PDF, 1MB) is also available.  

A planning permit has been lodged to subdivide the land and begin the process of development. A planning permit must be generally in accordance with the development plan.

110-112 Willowbank Road Development Plan

The approved development plan for the land at 110-112 Willowbank Road, Gisborne – DP/2020/1 was approved at the Scheduled Council Meeting on 16 September 2020 . The development plan relates to the development of an aged care facility fronting Willowbank Road, Gisborne.

110-112 Willowbank Road Development Plan(PDF, 38MB)

Gisborne Development Contributions Plan

It is important that public infrastructure keeps pace with future growth and activity. As public infrastructure is expensive, Council requires developers to pay a levy to help pay a share of the costs of planned public infrastructure. 

The Gisborne Development Contributions Plan ensures that developers of residential, commercial and industrial zoned land in Gisborne will pay a share of the planned public infrastructure in the town. It applies to all new residential, commercial and industrial developments in Gisborne.


Gisborne Futures

The Gisborne Futures project is a sustainable vision for how Gisborne will grow and develop into the future.

We are looking at where you shop and where you live, how you use parks and open space, transport options, what community facilities and infrastructure might be required, how waterways are managed and what your needs might be for all of these things into the future.

The Gisborne Futures project includes:

  • a Structure Plan that guides future development of housing, transport, shops, parks, landscapes and infrastructure
  • an Urban Design Framework that will shape the streets and buildings in the town centre
  • a Neighbourhood Character Study to guide new housing development.

Project update - March 2022

The first draft of the Gisborne Futures Plans were exhibited to the community over 7 weeks in August and September 2020.

Council received over 220 submissions to the project that have raised numerous matters to be addressed in more detail. Officers have been progressively briefing Councillors on the key themes that have emerged while concurrently preparing a consultation report.

The consultation report is to include a summary of all submissions and officer responses to these, proposed changes to the plans and further work to be completed.

Gisborne Futures second draft

There are a number of influences to consider in the second draft, including the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on lifestyle preferences and work practices, updated data inputs and land supply work to reflect recent development activity.

Officers anticipate that the consultation report will be presented to Council in the coming months. Once complete, the consultation report will guide further work on the Gisborne Futures project, with a second set of plans to be prepared. 

It is still some time away from the finish line for the Gisborne Futures project. Following further consultation on the second set of draft plans, the documents will be finalised and presented to Council for adoption. Following adoption, a planning scheme amendment to implement the project will be initiated.

Why are we doing this?

Gisborne is an attractive regional township close to Melbourne that is identified in State Planning Policy as a peri-urban centre with capacity for growth. We are seeking ways to increase housing diversity, choice and affordability and better cater for a changing and growing community.

We are implementing the necessary planning tools to protect Gisborne’s neighbourhood and landscape character values.

In recent years population growth has exceeded the level anticipated in the Gisborne/New Gisborne Outline Development Plan (ODP) from 2009, and the introduction of protected settlement boundaries through the Statement of Planning Policy has initiated the need to review the township plan.

Long-term township planning is a responsibility of Council to its community and the State Government.

We plan now so residential and commercial growth is innovative, sustainable and able to provide positive outcomes for the Gisborne township and community. We are also working to make sure developments contribute financially to fund community and infrastructure upgrades in line with the rate of population growth.

The Gisborne Futures project will set a protected urban settlement boundary for Gisborne and identify future land uses for retail, employment, housing, and community services to meet the growing needs of the town.

The project also aims to improve and manage vehicle, cycle and pedestrian traffic, enable economic development, provide for open space linkages and to protect important views, landscape features and the valued qualities of existing residential areas.  

First draft documents - 2020

Our draft Gisborne Futures Structure Plan, Urban Design Framework and Neighbourhood Character Study have been developed based on expert advice, best practice planning and urban design principles and community feedback gathered through previous phases of consultation.

These three key reports were released together in late July 2020:

The project also aims to improve and manage vehicle, cycle and pedestrian traffic, enable economic development and future employment opportunities, provide for open space linkages and to protect important views and landscape features.

To strengthen integrated planning outcomes, we included further work on the Gisborne Business Park expansion area into Gisborne Futures in December 2019. Council will consider the Gisborne Business Park and as part of the implementation of Gisborne Futures project.

At the 24 June 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council endorsed the draft Gisborne Structure Plan, draft Gisborne Urban Design Framework and draft Gisborne Neighbourhood Character Study for community consultation. The agenda(PDF, 1MB) and minutes(PDF, 692KB) from the 24 June 2020 meeting are available to view.

For community consultation purposes, the opportunity to establish more shops and services east of the existing town boundary has been identified on this land in the draft Gisborne Structure Plan.

Consultation - 2020

Closed consultation page

All project information from the 2020 consultation is available to view, including plans and supporting documentation on the closed consultation page.

Submissions and survey

We thank local residents and community agencies for sharing their views. The project team will review all recent submissions, survey results and other comments received before presenting a modified version of the draft plans to the community for a further round of consultation.

Community engagement activities as part of Gisborne Futures Phase 3 Consultation in July-September 2020 resulted in 647 survey responses and 215 submissions received, as at March 2021.  

Redacted versions of these written submissions are now available for public viewing, with all personal and identifiable details removed to meet privacy requirements.

All submissions and online survey responses are being reviewed by Council’s strategic planners. A report will be tabled at a Scheduled Council Meeting in 2021 outlining the submissions received and key themes from the consultation.

Given it will take considerable time for officers to respond in detail, it has been determined that all written submissions should be made public now.

Council is committed to considering further community feedback. Officers will continue to accept feedback from interested members of the public on the Gisborne Futures project via email

View the redacted submissions(PDF, 105MB)

View the redacted survey results(PDF, 9MB)

Stay informed

You can also register your details to receive regular email updates about the project. 

If you have any questions, contact Strategic Planning on (03) 5422 0333 or email

Gisborne Outline Development Plan & Urban Design Framework

Gisborne Futures is the first major new planning document developed for the town since the Gisborne Outline Development Plan (ODP) was initially adopted by Council in 2006. This plan, also known as a Town Structure Plan, has been developed to ensure Gisborne's future development is managed in an orderly, coordinated and sustainable way.

The Gisborne Urban Design framework (UDF) sets the direction for future development of the Gisborne town centre, and complements the Gisborne Outline Development Plan. The Gisborne UDF was adopted by Council in September 2008. Since that time, township growth and demographics has changed and it is time to review and update the existing plan to ensure they remain current and relevant.


Gisborne Movement Network Study

The 2016 Gisborne Movement Network Study examines the existing and future impact of various modes of traffic on the road and footpath networks in Gisborne.

Following public consultation in late 2016, Council approved the study in February 2017 for use as a reference document for future infrastructure planning investigations relating to traffic and transport within the Gisborne township.

Gisborne Neighbourhood Character Study

Council commenced a neighbourhood character study to help manage change in Gisborne’s residential areas and to ensure the characteristics most valued by the community are protected and enhanced via appropriate planning controls in the planning scheme. 

Gisborne (including New Gisborne) is a large town with a range of facilities, infrastructure and services, with strong links to Melbourne. The Victorian Government has earmarked Gisborne for growth, and it is expected the town will grow from a large district town to a regional centre by 2036.

Key challenges accommodating the anticipated growth involves balancing township change with the community’s desire to maintain the town’s established semi-rural feel. Council’s planning scheme is one of many mechanisms that plays an important role to help ensure that future development enhances the character of the area.

What is neighbourhood character?

Neighbourhood character is the look and feel of an area. It is made up of a combination of the design and era of buildings, building citing, subdivision patterns, topography, landscaping and street design. Some of these things can be managed through the planning scheme.

What is the scope of the study?

In scope:

  • Areas zoned for residential purposes: i.e. General Residential Zone (GRZ) and Low Density Residential Zone—located within the township boundary of Gisborne (see map)
  • The character of residential zoned areas. This includes the character of streetscapes as viewed from the public realm as well as backyard character experienced from the private realm.
  • Non-residential uses and buildings within residential zoned areas
  • Impact of public realm infrastructure & landscapes on determining neighbourhood character: i.e. curb and channel, footpaths, nature strips and street trees.

Out of scope:

  • Areas zoned for commercial, public use or other non-residential purposes
  • Rezoning land within the Low Density Residential Zone
  • The provision or character of parks and gardens
  • General amenity issues such as overshadowing and overlooking
  • Developing design guidelines for public spaces, including nature strips and street trees
  • Traffic and car parking
  • Development of neighbourhood character guidelines for undeveloped, “greenfield” areas
  • A planning scheme amendment to introduce the recommended planning controls is not part of this project.

Community input

It is important that the community inform the identification of valued character elements and are actively involved in setting the preferred future character of their neighbourhoods.

Council developed a comprehensive engagement program and sought community input between 14 February and 16 March 2016, that included three workshops, an online survey and a door knock survey.


Since commencing the study, Council received funding to review the Gisborne Structure Plan and Gisborne Town Centre Urban Design Framework.

Given that neighbourhood character planning controls might have an impact on the ability of residential precincts to suitably accommodate future housing, it is appropriate for the neighbourhood character study to be completed in the context of the strategic planning for Gisborne.



Gisborne Business Park Development Plan

We have been preparing a masterplan for expansion of the Gisborne Business Park. The plan provided for more land for industrial and commercial uses to support economic growth and jobs in Gisborne and across the shire.

The Draft Business Park Development Plan was exhibited to the community in February 2019. A number of submissions were made regarding traffic, township character and urban design, environmental conditions and the potential heritage values of Woiwurrung Cottage at 111 Saunders Road, New Gisborne. These submissions were considered at the 22 May 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting. The agenda and minutes from the meeting are available to view.

At the 18 December 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to further consider the Gisborne Business Park Development Plan as part of the Gisborne Futures project.

The resolution was that Council:

  1. Resolve to further consider the Gisborne Futures Business Park Development Plan as part of the Gisborne Futures project.
  2. Resolve to inform submitters to the Gisborne Business Park Development Plan of this decision.

The agenda and minutes from the 18 December 2019 meeting are available to view.

This will allow the project to be considered holistically as part of the overall planning for Gisborne as a regional centre.

New Gisborne Development Plan

C67 Part 2

Amendment C67, Part 2 implemented the New Gisborne Development Plan into the planning scheme. It was approved by the Minister for Planning on 11 April 2013.

Council formally adopted the New Gisborne Development Plan (August 2012) at its Ordinary Council Meeting of 26 March 2014. It was developed by Council, land owners and consultants Hansen Partnership for the development of 60 hectares of land located south of the rail line and west of Station Road, New Gisborne. It shows the location of future housing, roads, open space, walking and cycling routes and commercial development. The plan has considered traffic and drainage issues and preserves existing native flora and fauna, and local character and is sympathetic to the adjacent racecourse reserve.  

Amendment C67, Part 2 rezoned the New Gisborne Growth Area (located west of Station Road and south of the railway line), for residential development and applied the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 16 to the land. It also rezoned Lot 1 TP 863037, Sauer Road (7 hectares) in Gisborne Industrial Estate for industrial development.

Brett Lane and Associates Pty Ltd prepared a Conservation Management Plan (December 2013) for the New Gisborne Growth Area to meet the requirements of the Development Plan Overlay. It was prepared in consultation with the Department of Environment and Primary Industries. Council endorsed the Conversation Management Plan at its meeting of 26 March 2014.

To view approved documentation visit Browse Amendments through the planning section of Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Then into the search bar type "C067Pt2", scroll down to find Macedon Ranges to view the details of the amendment.