Your rates and charges explained

Your rates help to provide almost 100 different services to the Macedon Ranges community.

Each year, through its budget process, Council determines the amount of allowable revenue for the forthcoming financial year, taking into account the Victorian Government’s 2.75 per cent rate cap.

This year we will raise $64.3 million from rates and charges to continue to deliver quality services and maintain community facilities. This amount is then divided by the total value of all properties in the shire, which establishes what is called a ‘rate in the dollar’. There are different rates for the following type or class of land:

Type or class of land

2024/25 rate in the dollar

General rate for residential properties

0.0018576 cents

Agricultural land rate*

0.0014861 cents

Commercial/industrial land rate

0.0022291 cents

Recreational land rate

0.0009288 cents

Not-for-profit housing rate

0.0009288 cents

 Inappropriate subdivision rate 0.0018576 cents

The rate in the dollar is then multiplied by the value of your property to determine the amount of your rates.

Your 'property value' multiplied by 'rate in the dollar' = your rates.

In addition to your rates, there are also charges for waste and recycling collections, a municipal charge that is applied to each property to assist Council to recover part of its administrative costs, and other government charges that Council is required to collect on behalf of the State Government. 

* by application to Council

How does rate capping work?

Rates charges

The following charges will appear on your rates notice.

Municipal Charge

This charge covers the cost of core local government functions, such as administering local laws and planning controls; and ensuring there is due and proper governance.

Waste Service Charge

The Waste Charge included on your rates notice is total cost for Council’s four bin kerbside collection service. In addition to standard landfill fees, councils must factor in a State Government Environment Protection Authority (EPA) waste levy into the costings of providing this service.

Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Waste Levy

A levy on each general waste bin applies if you receive the service. Council is required to collect this levy on behalf of the Victorian Government for domestic waste that is put into landfill facilities (tips). This levy is shown separately on your rates notice, as Council does not benefit from the money collected. More about the EPA Waste Levy

Fire Services Property Levy

The Fire Services Property Levy is collected with your Council rates. All revenue collected for the Fire Services Property Levy goes directly to the Victorian Government to help support Victoria’s fire services. Previously fire services were funded by contributions made by the insurance industry and the State Government. Collection through Council rates ensures that Victorian property owners pay a fair contribution to fire services and are not penalised for adequately insuring their property. For more information, visit Fire Services Property Levy

Types of rates

There are three types of rates:

The Business Rate is set at 20 per cent more than the General Rate and the Agricultural Land Rate is 20 per cent less than the General Rate. Note: the Agricultural Land Rate is not applied automatically.

For more information, see: Concessions and exemptions