Gisborne Fields Landscape Plan implementation

  • Project value$497,820
  • Project scheduleUnderway
  • Completion Date30 September 2024

Gisborne Fields Landscape Plan 2018 is guiding the staged development of the three acres of land located in the Gisborne Fields Estate into a park for the local community.

The first stages of the eight-stage landscape plan have been completed, these included the installation of playground equipment (in 2019), and the development of shared pathway around the reserve as well as some intersecting pathways (in 2020). 

The most recent stages have seen the development of a new picnic shelter and supporting facilities such as a BBQ, picnic tables, bike rails and a drinking fountain (in 2022) as well as surface mounding, tree planting, casual football goal posts, park furniture and perimeter bollards (in 2023).

Stage 5 of the landscape plan received funding in Council’s 2023-2024 budget, this stage will see an expansion of the existing play space as well as some further tree planting and low-level vegetation.

Stage 5 works are scheduled to commence on site from 26 August 2024, and expected to be complete towards the end of September 2024.

Stages 6, 7 and 8 are currently not funded for implementation, however like the previous stages will be subject to future Council funding bids.

Coming soon in 2024

Stage 5 of the landscape plan will see an expansion of the existing play space as well as some further tree planting and low-level vegetation.

Works are scheduled to commence on site from 26 August 2024, and expected to be complete towards the end of September 2024.

Completed in 2023

Works in 2023 established bollard and pole perimeter fencing, and the forming of undulating mounds in the northern wedge of the reserve.

Softscape works established gardens in the northwest and southwest corners, and numerous additional trees being planted throughout the north wedge. 

Park furniture was also installed including several bench seats. A set of AFL goal posts creates a casual kickabout area. 

2023 works have enhanced the reserve significantly with the perimeter fencing helping to formalise the site as a recreational park. The kickabout area and bench seating, in addition to the existing playground and barbecue picnic shelter, supports a recreational space that promotes wellbeing. 

Completed in 2022

These works included the construction of a new picnic shelter, barbecue, seating and a drinking fountain. Bike racks were built. Tree, shrub and grass plantings improved the landscape amenity of the park by providing shade canopy trees and pockets of vegetation.


24 Coop Drive, Gisborne 3437  View Map

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