12 Park Lane, Romsey. You can call us on (03) 5429 5637 or email rrc@mrsc.vic.gov.au.
Your comments are important for us, please submit any Centre feedback to leisurefeedback@mrsc.vic.gov.au.
Children’s birthday party venue hire is available at the Romsey Recreation Centre on weekends and school holidays.
Senior basketball is held in Romsey at the centre.
Hire a room at the Romsey Recreation Centre.
Senior Futsal programs are held at the Romsey Recreation Centre.
The Romsey netball program has intermediate/seniors and women's competitions.
Get in shape and improve your health with a great range of exercise classes run at the centre.
Play casual and competition squash at Romsey Recreation Centre.
Romsey Recreation Centre has casual use memberships.
Pickleball competitions are regularly held at Romsey Recreation Centre