What is a Structure Plan?

Last updated on 27 July 2020

A structure plan is a planning document used to manage growth and change. The Gisborne Structure Plan translates the vision for Gisborne’s future into objectives, strategies and actions to guide how the township should develop into the future. Council uses Structure Plans as a key guiding document when considering subdivision and development proposals, as well as planning for physical and community infrastructure.

The Gisborne Futures Structure Plan will supersede the current Gisborne/New Gisborne Outline Development Plan (ODP, 2009).

The Structure Plan:

  • Articulates a sustainable vision for Gisborne and provide direction for the town that is consistent with state and local policy directions.
  • Is a framework to manage urban development and growth opportunities and provide sustainable outcomes. These include social, community and physical infrastructure for existing and future residents.
  • Provides a township boundary that protects the environmental and rural qualities of the landscape surrounding Gisborne while providing sufficient land to accommodate sustainable growth for the next 30 years.