Sale details

The Kyneton Saleyards are located at the intersection of Mollison Street and Saleyards Road, Kyneton.

Livestock agents and Council must be notified of any animals being held in the yards, no matter the duration. A copy of the transfer documentation will need to be provided to Council.

Wednesday sales

Cattle store sales will proceed adhering to the following protocols.

Council staff reserve the right to stop the sale at any stage should they feel people are not adhering to social distancing rules. 

Please do not attend if you are unwell, including a fever, coughing or difficulty breathing. Council staff reserve the right to refuse entry or ask you to leave if you are displaying any of these symptoms.

These details may change at any time. Refer to this page or check with your Stock Agent.

Sale time and dates - 2024

  • 11am: store cattle - last Wednesday of each month. 

Thursday sales

All sheep must be dropped off by 10am sharp. Any sheep arriving after this time will not be accepted for sale. 

All attendees will required to sign in prior to entry.

Please do not attend if you are unwell.

These details may change at any time. Check back to this page or with your Stock Agent. 

Sale time and dates - 2024

10am: prime cattle, live weight selling.

12pm: sheep and lambs.

  • 7 and 21 March
  • 4 and 18 April
  • 2 and 16 May
  • 6 and 20 June
  • 4 and 18 July
  • 1 and 15 August
  • 5 and 19 September
  • 3 and 17 October
  • 7 and 21 November

Special sales

For more information, contact the Operations department on (03) 5422 0333.

Paperwork for the sale of livestock

To sell cattle and sheep, you must have a fully completed and signed National Vendor Declaration. You can order these from the Department of Primary Industries on 1800 678 779 or via Meat and Livestock Australia

From 31 March 2018, all electronically tagged sheep and goats must be scanned in saleyards with this information, along with the Property Identification Codes (PICs) of the vendor and purchaser, uploaded to the NLIS database. Property to property (P2P) movement recording will also be required.

Kyneton Saleyards PIC: 3SYDB444