Macedon Ranges Heritage Strategy 2024-2034

There are many types of heritage in the Macedon Ranges, from the natural, Aboriginal, and historic places we have created and inherited, to plantings of mature trees and avenues, or manipulation of landscapes for water, travel, agriculture, and industry.

Evidence of the shire’s past is present in objects and collections, records and stories, passed on to us from the First Peoples who have lived here for thousands of years, and those who have migrated here in colonial settlement and since.

The Macedon Ranges is fortunate to have a community who champion the heritage we love and who advocate and work to preserve and protect it.

The Heritage Strategy focuses on leading by example as the largest owner / manager of heritage assets, on building the Council’s capacity around nature, Aboriginal, and historic heritage alongside Council’s ongoing role in identifying and protecting sites of heritage significance in the shire.

The Heritage Strategy recommends 28 actions to be completed over a ten-year timeframe.

It has been organised under the four themes recommended by the Heritage Victoria toolkit and a fifth theme has been added for climate change.

  • Knowing: identification, assessment and documentation of heritage places
  • Protecting: statutory protection, policy development, appropriate management
  • Supporting: assistance, advice and incentives to help conserve heritage places
  • Communication and Promoting: measures to raise awareness and appreciation of our area’s heritage
  • Preparing: getting ready for how climate change will impact the heritage of the shire.

Download the Heritage Strategy 2024-2034(PDF, 4MB), which was adopted at the 28 August 2024 Council Meeting.

For more information, call our Strategic Planning team on (03) 5422 0333 or email