Building over easements

Apply for approval to build or undertake any works on, or over, an easement.

An easement is an area of land or part of a lot reserved by law for a specific purpose, such as drainage.

Drainage easements give Council the right of access to build or manage stormwater drains. Many people have drainage easements and/or drains on their properties. Easements may also be created on land to facilitate sewer, services, light or carriage and can usually be located on a Plan of Subdivision.

Find out if you have an easement on or near your property before you:

  • Build or extend your home
  • Add a swimming or ornamental pool
  • Do paving, add driveways, decking, fences, poles or signs
  • Erect sheds or cubby houses

If your works are to be built over an easement or within one metre of a council easement then you need to complete a Build Over Easement/Asset application form(DOCX, 1MB) / application form(PDF, 202KB).

If you are unsure as to whether your proposal needs our consent, call our Building or Engineering department on (03) 5422 0333.